A Level Fine Art requires you to achieve at least the minimum entry requirements for your chosen pathway plus a grade 6 or higher in GCSE Art or similar (unless work produced seen at Wyke Start.) The minimum entry requirements will be discussed at open events and at your college interview.
Fine Art is an excellent choice for you if you have a vivid interest in observed drawing, painting and printmaking. Considerable opportunities exist for media exploration and creative design work, working with a variety of materials, techniques and processes.
The course demands a strong work ethic and independent commitment. If you achieved well and enjoyed Art & Design at school this could be the course for you.
Fine Art is often studied alongside related courses such as Graphic Design and Photography but can also serve as a complementary study route, offering an element of variety to an intense academic programme.
The course is rooted in direct creative activity supported by individual tutorial discussion and reference to exemplar material created by teaching staff, students and established historically significant Fine Art practitioners. Careful guidance is given with regard to the construction and presentation of individual outcomes, sketchbooks and portfolios, supported by visual example and written and verbal instruction.
The Fine Art studio forms part of a purpose-built open plan teaching space offering you access to drawing painting and printmaking facilities. Access to digital equipment is also available. A wider range of visual and contextual materials are made freely available, many designed by the teaching team. The course is delivered as two distinct units of study, which test the skills of observation, media handling, ideas development, contextual research and visual realisation. Quality of written expression is especially important in the second year of study.
A first body of coursework is internally set and marked and is concerned with the construction of a portfolio of studio based drawing, printing and painting working mainly from directly observed sources. The development of this skill set is then utilised fully in pursuit of two independent projects.
A personal investigation is undertaken in the latter period of first year study; the theme for this work is agreed via negotiation between the individual student and the course team and generally originates from the three key themes of Landscape, Portraiture and Still life. This component of the course also requires the undertaking of an illustrated essay related in theme to the nature of the personal investigation.
An externally set exam paper is released in February offering a choice of themes for independently researched visual development and contextual work. The culmination of this body of work is a fifteen-hour exam undertaken in April in which a summative piece of visual work relating to the exam question is undertaken.
An A level in Fine Art may lead naturally to a pre-degree foundation course and then degree level study in a wide range of art & design-based disciplines. The study of art and design at degree level can lead to career opportunities in a wide and varied field. Fine Art students become freelance creative practitioners or work for design companies in many areas including; interior design, jewellery, graphics, illustration, animation, architecture, set design, fashion and textiles, and a host of creative digital industries. Fine Art study may also open opportunities in the field of gallery and exhibition work.
This course is creatively demanding and requires an open minded and industrious approach. The best preparation for this course is direct observation drawing undertaken on an almost daily basis, studying at length and in detail the qualities of everyday objects, architecture and figurative subjects. Taking an active interest in the history of the subject is also recommended. Both the Ferens Art Gallery in the city and Beverley Art Gallery offer splendid opportunities to view paintings and artefacts at first hand.
Wyke Sixth Form College hold train to teach information events which offer you a great insight into this course. If you are interested in attending one of these events, please complete this form and we will be in contact with the key information.
Please note that the applications for this course can be submitted by following the ‘Apply Now’ button on this page. Applications are made through the University of Huddersfield rather than Wyke Sixth Form College. We look forward to meeting with you.
An A level in Fine Art may lead naturally to a pre-degree foundation course and then degree level study in a wide range of art & design based disciplines. The study of art and design at degree level can lead to career opportunities in a wide and varied field. Fine Art students become freelance creative practitioners or work for design companies in many areas including; interior design, jewellery, graphics, illustration, animation, architecture, set design, fashion and textiles, and a host of creative digital industries. Fine Art study may also open opportunities in the field of gallery and exhibition work.
At Wyke Start, our 2-day taster event in July, each of your subjects will set you some work to complete to help prepare you for the course. The work is available to download on https://www.wyke.ac.uk/wyke-start-summer-work
The department as a whole offers an open-door policy, in order that space, materials and creative opportunities are maximised. Regular twilight studio sessions are held throughout the year and the studio is available every lunchtime for private study. Further individual support is always available on request and the level of pastoral care afforded by the department is highly regarded.