College Corporation

Types of commitee

Corporation also operates through six committees:

Audit Committee

Meets four times a year

Jane Price (Chair); Liz Rymer (Vice-Chair); Mina Heng; Olufunmi Odubonojo; Terry Coates.

Curriculum and Quality Committee

Meets termly

Steve Rogers (Chair); Jane Price (Vice-Chair) John Wilson; David Hancock; Nicola King.; Eddy Birch; Paul Britton.

Resources and Personnel Committee

Meets six times a year

Paul Davis (Chair); Jeremy Hartley (Vice Chair); John Wilson; Raymond Swaray; Paul Britton.

RemuneratioN Committee

Meets at least annually

Paul Davis (Chair); TBC (Vice-Chair); John Wilson; Steve Rogers; Susan Allan.

Search and Governance Committee

Meets three times a year

John Wilson (Chair); Jane Price (Vice-Chair); Paul Davis; Paul Britton; Steve Rogers; Susan Allan; Gemma-Hayes-Logan.

Frequently asked Questions

Can anyone attend Corporation meetings?

Under section 16 of the Instrument of Government, it is for the Corporation to decide whether a person who is not a Corporation member, the Principal or the Clerk to the Corporation may attend a full Corporation meeting. If a member of the public is permitted to attend a full Corporation meeting, they will not be permitted to remain in attendance during items which are considered by the Corporation to be confidential. Members of the public who wish to attend a full Corporation meeting should contact the Clerk to the Corporation, giving at least 24 hours notice. Corporation committee meetings are not open to the public.

Can anyone see Corporation papers?

Some of the business conducted by Corporation is confidential and not available to general access but the bulk is open to public scrutiny. Members of the public who wish to see the register of members’ interests, Corporation Code of Conduct, or the agendas, minutes not already on the website, or any other papers connected with meetings of the Corporation or of its committees, should contact the Clerk to the Corporation.

How to contact us

If you have any queries about Corporation work, membership or wish to address John Wilson directly, please contact:

Shelley Messenger
Clerk to the Corporation
Wyke Sixth Form College,
Bricknell Avenue, Hull, East Yorkshire, HU5 4NT, United Kingdom.

Telephone Number: 01482 346347

Email Shelley Messenger at [email protected]


Susan Allan, Chair of Corporation

Paul Britton, CEO and Corporation Member Ex Officio

Pat Cavanagh, Corporation Member

Terry Coates, Corporation Member

Paul Davis, Vice-Chair of Corporation

Jeremy Hartley, Corporation Member

Mina Heng, Corporation Member

Nicola King, Corporation Member

Olufunmi Odubonojo, Corporation Member

Jane Price, Corporation Member

Steve Rogers, Corporation Member

Liz Rymer, Corporation Member

Raymond Swaray, Corporation Member

David Williamson, Corporation Member

John Wilson, Corporation Member

David Hancock, Parent Corporation Member

Vacancy, Student Corporation Member

Vacancy, Student Corporation Member

Eddy Birch, Staff Corporation Member

Gemma Hayes-Logan, Staff Corporation Member

Meeting Schedule

Full Corporation meets six times a year. Full meetings of Corporation will take place on the following dates in 2023/24:

Autumn term:

Thu 12 Oct 23 and Thu 14 Dec 23.

Spring term:

Thu 8 Feb 24 and Thu 14 Mar 24 (Strategic Planning Event; 1pm - 7pm).

Summer term:

Thu 23 May 24 and Thu 11 Jul 24.

Full Corporation meetings begin at 5.00pm unless otherwise indicated.