April 25, 2024


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Wyke is celebrating the outcome of an independent report on the College’s Governing Board. This external review was undertaken by Carole Drury on behalf of the Association of Colleges (AoC). The adopted methodology followed a seven-stage approach considering the principles from the Codes of Governance, the Education Inspection Framework and the Department for Education’s(DfE) current guidance on external board reviews.

Wyke’s Governing Board comprises of 20 members plus the Principal. Two are student governors, two are staff governors and two are parent governors. Diversity within the board membership is good in terms of age, gender and ethnicity. After evaluating the Board’s composition, structure and interaction the executive summary highlighted many areas of strength. The report praised the strength of the governor’s skills and expertise, the link governor scheme, the committee structure, the consideration of impact on students and the relationship with and trust in the senior team.

Whilst in discussion with the Governing Board, the review confirmed that the impact on students is paramount in decision-making. The survey also revealed that there is robust financial management by the College overseen at committee and board level. Reflecting on the College’s positive reputation in the community, the report commended recent board appointments that support better partnership with employers. In conclusion, the external board review wrote that “There is strong evidence that the Board is highly proficient and consistently impacts positively on college strategy, effectiveness, and outcomes”.

Download and read the full review here.

External Board Review
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