Information for Parents


Our aim at Wyke is for all students to achieve their potential. Throughout their time at Wyke we will encourage students to work hard; we set targets for achievement and teachers and tutors will review progress and keep parents informed. In our parent handbook we give some information about these activities and processes. We believe the role of parents is of the utmost importance and we will keep you informed of your son/daughter’s progress throughout their time at Wyke. Your support is valued by the College and we welcome any views you may have about your son/daughter’s education.

Wyke College is fully committed to promoting equality of opportunity and achieving the elimination of negative discrimination within the College. Equality is important because a high quality education for students and rewarding employment experience for staff only arises from every individual being given the opportunity to achieve their full potential. The College is also committed to providing a learning environment that respects and responds to the diversity of the people within that environment.

Term time holidays

Please note that the College does not consider it is acceptable for students to take holidays during term-time, as it results in losing teaching and study time which is very likely to reduce overall performance in courses and may well affect the student’s future directly. We publish our term dates well in advance to avoid such a situation arising. However, we also understand that on rare occasions parents may make a special request to take their son/daughter away for a particular event. The process for such an application is given below.

Term-time holiday application process

If a student or parent informs the College that they have a holiday commitment during term-time, an application must be made in writing to the Principal (minimum 3 weeks required). Prior to any approval being given, the student’s tutor and subject teachers will be notified to identify any particular concerns regarding the impact that the holiday will have on the student’s programme of study.

If permission is given, then written confirmation will be sent to the parent/guardian and the student providing a term-time holiday form. The student completes this after discussion with their subject teachers. The form records details of the period of absence and the work that will need to be undertaken for each subject area. An appointment will be made for the student to see their tutor on return from holiday to check that the work has been completed.


Students are offered several opportunities to discuss support needs: on initial application, at interview, at our induction days (Wyke Start), during College Open Evenings throughout the year and at enrolment. Students may also be identified by teaching or support staff after they start their programme of study. Learning Support Assistants may work with students in the classroom if appropriate or may offer study support tutorials outside the classroom. They also offer exam support via liaison with the exams office. Staff are dedicated to ensuring that all students follow a study programme appropriate to their career aims. Teachers will ensure that student support needs are met in the classroom.


Wyke Sixth Form College is wheelchair accessible with disabled parking bays close to reception. There are lifts in all buildings and these are activated by the use of a lift key. The College has a Physical Management room with hoist and toilet facilities. Most Learning Support staff have had manual handling training. Information can be provided in a variety of font sizes for students who are visually impaired and we have Supernova software on site. Most College documents can be accessed electronically via our Moodle site. The Learning Support Department can also supply, for a small charge, reading rulers and coloured overlays for the use of students who need them. Laptops can also be lent to students who prefer this way of working. Science labs have chairs and tables with adjustable heights.


The College has a comprehensive Safeguarding policy which recognises its statutory obligations in providing a safe learning environment. There is a designated senior lead for Safeguarding. Supplementary policies regarding safeguarding, such as e-safety, are available on the College website. The College has an educational visits policy and procedures which includes risk assessments that are centrally managed in line with current guidance and legislation. The campus has an onsite drop off and pickup zone located next to the main building.


Students have also been supported by a variety of external agencies e.g., NHS Physiotherapy; Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services and Social Services and referrals can be made to these services.


The College distributes information about health needs to teaching staff via our electronic system once students have declared a health or disability issue and have agreed to the information being shared. Medication can be stored on site (please speak to Julie Lynch, Learning Support Manager in the first instance about this). In some cases study programmes can be modified to accommodate disability or health needs. In cases where absences are likely to be lengthy, the College can implement an Extended Absence Plan where support will be provided for the student to complete their courses where possible.

How is the college day structured?

Each day starts at 9am and finishes at 4 pm on four days of the week and at 2.50 pm on a Wednesday with an hour’s lunch. However, because every student timetable is an individual one and will include study periods you would need to look at your son / daughter’s timetable to know when they have to be in College. Copies of student timetables can be obtained on request.


We expect 100% attendance at Wyke. The electronic register system is used to monitor attendance and personal tutors monitor attendance so that any absences can be promptly followed up. Your son/daughter will have received detailed information on what constitutes authorised and unauthorised absence.

Travelling to Wyke

Travelling to Wyke is easy and may be cheaper than you think! Travel is available direct to Wyke from within Hull, West and East Hull villages, Beverley and the surrounding area and the South Bank. Further details about how to get to Wyke are available on our travel page.


Parents may contact their son or daughter’s tutor at any time by telephone or email to discuss progress. The Learning Support Manager can also be contacted to arrange a meeting during the College day or after hours (01482 346347). Parents can find out about their son/daughter’s progress and attendance via the parent portal. Progress reviews are done several times a year and grades and comments given from all subject areas and from the student’s tutor are sent to parents.

Wyke College is fully committed to promoting equality of opportunity and achieving the elimination of negative discrimination within the College. Equality is important because a high quality education for students and rewarding employment experience for staff only arises from every individual being given the opportunity to achieve their full potential. The College is also committed to providing a learning environment that respects and responds to the diversity of the people within that environment.

Progress monitoring & REVIEWS

All students have their progress monitored regularly by progress tutors. Parents are also invited to consultation evenings to discuss progress. Students with support needs and their parents are invited to discuss any issues in relation to support with the Learning Support Manager, Julie Lynch, who is present at all consultation evenings and College Open Evenings. Students who have support complete an Individual Support Plan with a member of the Learning Support Department and this is reviewed twice yearly. Parents may be contacted by letter, phone call or email to keep them up to date with support issues regarding their son or daughter.

Are there parents evenings?

Yes, we see education as a partnership between students, parents and the college and so Consultation Evenings are an opportunity for you to meet staff and discuss your daughter / son’s progress. However, you may be contacted at any time during the academic year if it is felt that there is a cause for concern and likewise you are free to make contact with us whenever the need arises.

Support for Students

Students at Wyke are provided with a high level of dedicated support. Whatever the problem, there will be someone here to help.

Progress Tutors

Each student is allocated a progress tutor – tutors have a responsibility to oversee the welfare of each student and to monitor progress. If you have any concerns regarding your son or daughter, the progress tutor is your first point of contact. There are also senior staff members who have academic and pastoral responsibility for teams of tutors and their tutees.

Learning Support, MIS and Exams staff work closely together to provide a guidance service which is available during College timetable hours. Staff can offer help with timetable queries, transport information, exam questions and much more.

The College also has first class careers provision. There are regular careers talks and appointments are available with careers staff working in the College.


We are all faced with challenges in our daily lives and times when we may find it difficult to cope, so we have an experienced Counsellor available to provide a confidential service.

Students can access a free and confidential counselling resource in College where they can talk about any issues or problems they are experiencing. To contact the College counsellor please email Safeguarding concerns can be signposted to counselling where they can be explored and discussed in more depth.


The team provides extra study support to students who need it or who want to improve their study skills. It is available to anyone who needs it. In recent years the department has supported deaf students, hearing impaired students, visually impaired students and those on the autistic spectrum as well as many students with dyslexia and dyspraxia. It can be accessed either by referral from a member of the teaching staff or by self-referral. The department can offer: tutorials for study support; dyslexia screening; the loan of resources according to need; assistance with time management, essay-writing, exam preparation; note-takers for lessons, escorts and support for disabled students where required, liaison with the Exams Office to organise access arrangements for examinations.